huludesktop for linux … and slackware !!

Oct. 9, 2009

so i just saw that labs has recently published a desktop player for linux. using my rpm-slackpack script , i converted the fedora packages they have for download, into slackware tgz’s.

you can download the i386 and x86_64 from

once you’ve downloaded and installed it, pending you have the flash-player-plugin installed from, or some other means, you will need to edit the file ~/.huludesktop, on the line “flash_location = (null)”, to the location of the flash library. For me, its as follows.

$ grep libflash /var/log/packages/flash-player-plugin-10.0_r32-x86_64-1_SBo

then you have a command `huludesktop`, and away you go!

Take care,
