kde4 on slack12 – in progress (take 2)
Oct. 27, 2007
- Okay, again i’m back at it, but after googling a little, the ‘XSyncQueryExtension’ is a function that should be provided in libXext, while the X11/extensions/sync.h performs an extern status XSyncQueryExtension, it hadn’t been defined yet. so i’ve download the source from http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/libx/libxext/libxext_1.0.3.orig.tar.gz, and compiling and installing it as root. … BUT ARGG /var/log/packages/libXext-1.0.3-i486-1 is already installed!! ok, so i’m not going to install this source bundle. crap, why isn’t this linking properly. even in the command that fails it has ‘-lXext’ flag, but is still an undefined reference,eerrrghh